Issue #30 - The Prairie Mountain Issue
All writers and artists featured in this issue were residents of North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Minnesota, and Montana at time of publication. Interviews: Lee Ann Roripaugh, Steven Wingate Reviews: Michael Bazzett|You Must Remember This Lisa Erin Robertson|The Orbit of Known Objects + a Q & A with the author Nicole Tong|My Mine Sarah A. Chavez|All Day Talking Poetry: Philip Schaefer, Ginger Ko, Barbara Duffey, Darla Biel, Aden Thomas, Meggie Royer, Tami Haaland, Athena Kildegaard, Justin L. Blessinger, Marcella Remund, Nancy Devine, Robert Neuteboom, Heather Steinmann, Jeannine Ouellette, Ash Goedker, Clair Dunlap, Saara Myrene Raappana, Purshia Adams, Jessabell Forrest, Carrie Naughton, Sara Henning, Jeanne Emmons. Art: Shannon Estlund, Dolores Baker, Susan Solomon. Music: Oshinn |