Submissions are open until March 15, 2025 for our next issue.
Please note: UtSQ only accepts submissions via our Submittable. Please direct your questions/comments to upthestaircase [at] gmail [dot] com. General Guidelines: --Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw accepted pieces promptly from consideration. --Submit 3-6 poems in a single document. --Submit up to 10 files for art. --We typically respond to your submission in less than 30 days. After 60 days query to upthestaircase [at] gmail [dot] com. --Please wait one reading period (or 3 months) before submitting again. --We do not accept previously published poetry, but previously published artwork is okay. --Up the Staircase Quarterly obtains first serial publishing rights. After a piece runs, all rights revert back to the author. --Unfortunately, we cannot currently pay contributors for the work we accept. Submissions from all genres will only be accepted via our SUBMISSION MANAGER. We do not accept emailed submissions. Questions should be sent to upthestaircase [at] gmail [dot] com. |