Puffs by Constance Stadler
I. Infidel
Cornflower blue
as pomegranate lips
… and unavailed of lies …
I witnessed
I watched
...............as your circumcised heart
.........................softly ceased
round a cornflower blue
trailing petals
tracing tendrils
........................in the whispering kiss
............my name.
II. … says my Solitude ...
..................................................(… brown once … yes …
The Caring
............To Cradle
....................Speak to me
....................Weep with me.
.......................................................(I’ve got you, Princess ...
.....As was my gilded joy
.....So is my iridescent sorrow
says my solitude
Constance Stadler has published over 300 poems and three chapbooks in her ‘first manifestation’ as a poet twenty years ago, and has just released two chaps Tinted Steam (Shadow Archer Press) Sublunary Curse (Erbacce) an eBook, Paper Cuts (Calliope Nerve). A new book Responsorials (with Rich Follett) was released in fall 2009 (Neopoeisis Press).