Keeping Your Promises to Robert Frost by Barry Graham
were you forced to walk lonely and naked
through the same fields in which you invented
your distinct sense of timelessness your vast knowledge
of all things fertile and humane
did you grow tired of that place
the fog never lifted
things became too hazy for you to assess and assume
and reassess and reassume
henry miller said that over elaboration was a sign of genius
he said the same thing of frequent urination
so what does it all really mean
so why did I say it you tell me
it persisted and you slept soundly
not by choice the magic was gone
through the same fields in which you invented
your distinct sense of timelessness your vast knowledge
of all things fertile and humane
did you grow tired of that place
the fog never lifted
things became too hazy for you to assess and assume
and reassess and reassume
henry miller said that over elaboration was a sign of genius
he said the same thing of frequent urination
so what does it all really mean
so why did I say it you tell me
it persisted and you slept soundly
not by choice the magic was gone