A Black Iris for the Law Librarian
Georgia O was inmate number 1954
face made up like Barbie in a county jump suit.
She must have had court in the AM.
Georgia in orange danced up to me
Michigan Rules of Court heavy in her arms
parted her lips and flicked out her tongue.
She flipped open the front hard cover
bowed down low and planted a kiss
on the blank first free fly leaf for me
presented her offering in Goth lipstick
her gift sealed with parted lips and tongue
her own image a Black Iris loaded with promise.
Mark James Andrews is the author of Burning Trash (Pudding House, 2010). is writing has appeared in many print and online venues. In 2011 his riting has appeared or is forthcoming in Red Fez, Full of Crow, Literary urlesque, Deuce Coupe, the Short, Fast, & Deadly 2010 Anthology, Camel Saloon and Thunderclap. He lives and writes approximately one mile from he city limits of Detroit most of the time.
Georgia O was inmate number 1954
face made up like Barbie in a county jump suit.
She must have had court in the AM.
Georgia in orange danced up to me
Michigan Rules of Court heavy in her arms
parted her lips and flicked out her tongue.
She flipped open the front hard cover
bowed down low and planted a kiss
on the blank first free fly leaf for me
presented her offering in Goth lipstick
her gift sealed with parted lips and tongue
her own image a Black Iris loaded with promise.
Mark James Andrews is the author of Burning Trash (Pudding House, 2010). is writing has appeared in many print and online venues. In 2011 his riting has appeared or is forthcoming in Red Fez, Full of Crow, Literary urlesque, Deuce Coupe, the Short, Fast, & Deadly 2010 Anthology, Camel Saloon and Thunderclap. He lives and writes approximately one mile from he city limits of Detroit most of the time.