A Night at Darklass
The old house is a giant bullfrog
croaking into the storm.
I am folded into my blanket
like a samosa and will not come out.
Trees beyond the garden rage
at muscular clouds that crowd the night
blooming dark threats.
The ghost of my cat jumps off a table
I hear him land soft thump-thump
in the kitchen.
Then tidal silence swims in
swelling the rooms
with its rising symphonies
steeping the walls in adagio blues.
Sophia Argyris was born in Belgium, spent much of her childhood in Scotland and has recently moved from London to Oxford where she writes, teaches yoga and also works for a publishing house. Her work has been published in various print and online journals, as well as some anthologies, and her short collection 'Strange Longing For A Monday' was published by Erbacce Press in 2010, and is available through Amazon UK.
The old house is a giant bullfrog
croaking into the storm.
I am folded into my blanket
like a samosa and will not come out.
Trees beyond the garden rage
at muscular clouds that crowd the night
blooming dark threats.
The ghost of my cat jumps off a table
I hear him land soft thump-thump
in the kitchen.
Then tidal silence swims in
swelling the rooms
with its rising symphonies
steeping the walls in adagio blues.
Sophia Argyris was born in Belgium, spent much of her childhood in Scotland and has recently moved from London to Oxford where she writes, teaches yoga and also works for a publishing house. Her work has been published in various print and online journals, as well as some anthologies, and her short collection 'Strange Longing For A Monday' was published by Erbacce Press in 2010, and is available through Amazon UK.