Honey Bunny
I am this hot: Exploding Star Model B
9mm. Three tomatoes. It’s not lightning
or the tyranny of anything, or his eyes calm
as pockets full of brown sugar. Just take me
to a friendly place, that’s all: Our Milky Way,
Spanish Peaks, Colorado. In this first series
of exposures, my hormones are 25 million
years old. The background sky is tasty, filthy,
furious, selfish, Mars and Saturn forming
an orange triangle with the bright star Antares
while the Moon illuminates the snow-covered
mountain tops. Some he is always sayin’ that shit
to some me. No bad motherfuckers, no shepherds.
Afterward, an opening sequence, a theme.
KELLY DOLEJSI'S work has been published most recently in Denver Quarterly, Mom Egg Review, Mothers Always Write, Trickster, and Santa Fe Literary Review. She also has work forthcoming in Fifth Wednesday and 1001.
TOM HARDING lives in Northampton UK where, when not working, he writes poetry and draws. Tom has been published in various places including Parameter Magazine, Identity Theory, Unlikely Stories and Nthposition. He also maintains a website of his own work at tomarianne.net.