2 poems by Kolbe Riney
Scientists think you can hear / the sound of a black hole / singing out into space. / To me, it must
sound / like a whirlpool / must sound like loving / must sound like your mouth. / I heard it was /
impossibly soft / to the touch; / was born, as I was / in a star forge / a hot-dying ember of a
heart. / I was formed infinitesimal / of impossible feats / to walk where no man walked before /
to tread in desolate space / and fall in love with every star- / wrought being / and every woman
crafted in light. / When they sent me out / open as the bird flies / I wore two talismans in my
spacesuit: / one to ward away the ghosts of stars / and another / for falling in love on distant
worlds. / I held them in my palms / and threw them into the darkness. / I made myself soft as the
sky. / I loved so open / I knew every edge / and chose to fall from each of them.
sound / like a whirlpool / must sound like loving / must sound like your mouth. / I heard it was /
impossibly soft / to the touch; / was born, as I was / in a star forge / a hot-dying ember of a
heart. / I was formed infinitesimal / of impossible feats / to walk where no man walked before /
to tread in desolate space / and fall in love with every star- / wrought being / and every woman
crafted in light. / When they sent me out / open as the bird flies / I wore two talismans in my
spacesuit: / one to ward away the ghosts of stars / and another / for falling in love on distant
worlds. / I held them in my palms / and threw them into the darkness. / I made myself soft as the
sky. / I loved so open / I knew every edge / and chose to fall from each of them.
sexy villain
dont hav 2 b good / nd thats y / I think Im ready / to start talking abt SELF CARE / 4
BISEXUALS / which is basic- / ally shit / I would normally just call / self care 4 goths / but
anyway Im ready 2 / start doing it /
like Im ready / to finally perfect winged eyeliner / nd adopt a pet snake / nd eat a blood /
orange, / which is just like / a regular orange, except more ++hardcore++ /
nd I think its normal to want / to take / notes from dark things, / like I think its cool to talk about
them, / like when spiders / consume flies in their webs, / nd there’s a hole in a spiral / staircase,
and the bottom of a crypt, /
nd maybe I love these things / cause theyre a lil bit fascinating / cause they go on 4evr / and
they're pretty much untouchable / or maybe its just cuz its a good thing / to practice loving / all
the darkest / parts of urself, like / thats the part thats last loved, / thats the hardest /
maybe thats y / Im so into boys that look like ghouls / maybe thats y / I want to hear about
villains: / like, tell me about their dead henchmen, / what if they were friends? like actually, /
what if they were lovers? / cuz all the queers I know want to fuck / the sinners / like thats just
how it is / when they make them wear your faces /
nd @ this point, we’re all just thinking how sexy it is / to wear neon / and fishnet stockings, nd
love halloween / nd it is sexy, you know? / like @ this point / it’s self care / @ this point i’m tired
of all of us / being told to look n the mirror / nd eat our hearts out, / like @ this point, Im going
home! / Im telling myself how ready / I am 4 more kissing, / but this time its with myself / and I
want ur mom to know, it’s full on the mouth. / and it’s with tongue,
BISEXUALS / which is basic- / ally shit / I would normally just call / self care 4 goths / but
anyway Im ready 2 / start doing it /
like Im ready / to finally perfect winged eyeliner / nd adopt a pet snake / nd eat a blood /
orange, / which is just like / a regular orange, except more ++hardcore++ /
nd I think its normal to want / to take / notes from dark things, / like I think its cool to talk about
them, / like when spiders / consume flies in their webs, / nd there’s a hole in a spiral / staircase,
and the bottom of a crypt, /
nd maybe I love these things / cause theyre a lil bit fascinating / cause they go on 4evr / and
they're pretty much untouchable / or maybe its just cuz its a good thing / to practice loving / all
the darkest / parts of urself, like / thats the part thats last loved, / thats the hardest /
maybe thats y / Im so into boys that look like ghouls / maybe thats y / I want to hear about
villains: / like, tell me about their dead henchmen, / what if they were friends? like actually, /
what if they were lovers? / cuz all the queers I know want to fuck / the sinners / like thats just
how it is / when they make them wear your faces /
nd @ this point, we’re all just thinking how sexy it is / to wear neon / and fishnet stockings, nd
love halloween / nd it is sexy, you know? / like @ this point / it’s self care / @ this point i’m tired
of all of us / being told to look n the mirror / nd eat our hearts out, / like @ this point, Im going
home! / Im telling myself how ready / I am 4 more kissing, / but this time its with myself / and I
want ur mom to know, it’s full on the mouth. / and it’s with tongue,
Kolbe Riney is a queer poet and nurse from Tucson, Arizona. Their work is featured or forthcoming in Tinderbox, Passages North, Stoneboat Journal, the Chestnut Review, and others. They were nominated to the Best of the Net and their manuscript, “mythic”, was short listed for the 2021 Sexton Prize. Learn more: kolberiney.wixsite.com/website
Emanuela Iorga is a filmmaker, artist, and screenwriter, who lives in Chisinau, Moldova. Art represents for her a recently rediscovered passion, following a series of world and inner changes. Her work can be found at https://manolcaincosmos.wordpress.com/270-2/