Shower: Arc de Triomphe by Olivia J. Kiers
An upper-story room: lemon tile
and lime light buzz to accompany
a shower song sputtered, stuck
between lips like a pip spat out
unsuccessfully. A portal, fogged.
I am determined to see Paris—
a wet hand claws it open.
Out pours steam: loudspeaker,
immediate merge into purple air—
a postcard night, heat-lightning
among rooftops, and below, a smear
of mist-enchanted traffic,
strands of tourmaline rotating
triumphant in a jeweler's case.
Olivia J. Kiers is a poet and museum professional in Worcester, Massachusetts. Her poetry has appeared most recently in Rust + Moth, Thin Air Online, Tilde, and Twin Pies Literary, and is forthcoming in The Westchester Review and Plainsongs.
Emanuela Iorga is a filmmaker, artist, and screenwriter, who lives in Chisinau, Moldova. Art represents for her a recently rediscovered passion, following a series of world and inner changes. Her work can be found at